Friday, April 26, 2019

Pros and cons of caffeinne Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pros and cons of caffeinne - Essay ExampleResearch has shown that caffeine improves stock and decreases fatigue while improving mental and athletic performance (Doheny, 2006). caffein increases athletic stamina by enhancing glycogen, the bodys energy storage system, and mobilizes fat cells which allow the body to burn fuel much efficiently thus promoting endurance. Caffeine diminishes perceived effort while exercising. This has the psychological effect of increasing the point of effort during exercise which burns additional calories (Gruenemay, 2006). This chemical action also suppresses appetite which leads to weight loss. aurora coffee drinkers know that caffeine increases alertness. It does this by stimulating brain activity.Caffeine is an addictive drug elbow grease a dependence which leads to withdraw symptoms when discontinued (Doheny, 2006). Though caffeine increases energy, the dehydration that accompanies makes exercise especially unhealthy. Caffeine, a natural diuret ic, relieves constipation by encouraging the intestine to contract which causes diarrhea and cramping. When over-used, all stimulants including caffeine fuel causeinsomnia, irritability and the shakes. The weight loss associated with stimulants is offset by cream added to coffee or tea. Caffeine has been shown to initiate heart palpitations and should be strictly avoided if the user is at risk of heart disease or if the user is taking any prescription drug (Gruenemay, 2006).Moderate amounts of caffeine will not cause heart disease, cancer or birth defects according to evidence compiled by the American Dietetic Association. respite is the key to enjoying products that contain caffeine without suffering ill effects but the operative word is rest (The Pros and Cons of Caffeine,

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